Noel Austin coat of arms

Noel Austin coat of arms

Saturday, October 31, 2020

A trip to Milan: part 1

I caught my flight as planned and we took off on time. Some way into the flight, the plane began to lose height rapidly, the oxygen masks dropped from the overhead lockers and we were clearly undergoing some kind of emergency. A bunch of American women behind me began praying aloud and a lot of people were evidently frightened. The cabin staff kept an impressive cool.

After what seemed like an age the plane levelled out and the captain came over the intercom, cool as a cucumber. "As you will have gathered, we had a cabin depressurisation. We are now flying safely at 10,000 feet and everything is under control. However, the Alps where we need to cross them are 13,000 feet high and this aircraft isn't going any higher than 10,000 feet, so we shall be landing at Geneva. The cabin staff will discuss with you your options for onward travel."
There were two options: catch the train from Geneva to Milan which would arrive at 4pm or wait for the next flight from Geneva to Milan which would also arrive at 4pm. Since my meeting was scheduled for 2pm I decided to cut my losses and return to London.

When we landed in Geneva, I went to the transfer desk and explained my predicament. "There's a seat on a Swissair flight leaving shortly; if you run you'll be able to get on it. I'll get them to hold until you arrive." I trotted through the airport and was ushered onto the plane. The door closed behind me. "We've had to put you in first class; I hope that's OK", said the stewardess.

I turned left towards my seat; it was at the front on the right hand side of the gangway, facing the bulkhead. On the left hand side I saw the instantly recognisable head of a TV actress who, at the time, was an object of desire for many British heterosexual males. I sat across the gangway from her but was unable to muster the courage to speak. Duh!

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